Recently, we travelled to Malaysia to work with one of our many big partners, The Malaysian Ministry of Sport. In this collaboration, we presented the strengths of our products by designing scouting courses for Rugby, Hockey and Netball, as well as our traditional footballing courses.
IPSO knuckled down to designing and developing these extra bonuses that help colleges, universities, and Ministries of Sports. We are pleased to say we have successfully delivered and incorporated other sports in our scouting & analysis programs.
These new courses have been designed specially by IPSO and delivered by our scouts supported by technical specialists in Rugby, Hockey and Netball. These are a great way to help everyone evolve in the scouting and analysis world.
If you are, or know anybody interested in Football, Rugby, Netball or Hockey Scouting Courses, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or +447980114048 What’sApp.
IPSO Education Director Colin Chambers delivers a presentation to the best 200 young players in Malaysia at the national headquarters the AMD. The presentation will help develop the young player’s Game Knowledge and Football Intelligence.

Here the AMD coaches get tested in their observation skills and game knowledge when looking at players in youth teams. A thorough examination is provided of what they see, how they see it and the outcome of what should be implemented concerning the player at that moment in time. These workshops & courses are proven to help coaches improve in their observation as a coach which therefore improves their coaching methodology concerning the players making a faster development within the players they are coaching.

Here after we have implemented the new scouting procedures the coaches get to test their new skills by watching a live game and seeing how these advanced procedures make a difference in their observation of the player. Propelling a completely different view than first thought as they now look at the player from every angle.

This time we move into another sport and train the coaches in understanding Bias in Rugby and Observation Skills that they can use within the game of RUGBY. Topped up with report writing and understanding how to build a database of reports on players within Rugby. Delivered by our scouting experts from IPSO the coaches look to see how these procedures can be implemented into Rugby. Supported by an expert Rugby coach IPSO can show the coaches the difference scouting and analyzing a player thoroughly can make in their view of the player making a better first or last impression of the player.

Moving into Hockey the same principles are required. As the game is played more similar to football it becomes even easier to asses and analyse the players. We teach the observation skills needed when assessing these players with the added bonus of not slipping into bias and favoring a player over another player for the wrong reasons. Again deep analysis overcomes this small observation and a clearer view of the player is seen so we can now improve the player in areas we may not of thought of.

Moving into netball was a little bit more challenging but with the support of the expert coach in Netball it was easily transferred across to make clearer observations of analysing netball players.