IPSO was born and introduced in 2015 by Colin Chambers & Kamil Potrykus. Colin was a scout for over 14 years in the Premier League and Kamil was an analyst and brand manager. We decided in 2015 that there was no REAL scouting & analysis courses out there for anyone to learn the job and what it entails. As passionate people in the area of scouting & analysis, we decided to do something about it. Almost 10 years later with hard work and dedication we now have fantastic workshops and courses spread all over the world, IPSO is now a global brand. As we have grown we now have a team of experienced scouts and analysts all with different skills and vast experiences within the game to create products embedded with the latest technologies and trends as the game evolves. But one thing must not be overlooked.
The real ingredients that make IPSO what they are today.
The courses are designed from the experiences and knowledge of one man TED DAVIES the Mr Miyagi of scouting (Karate Kid Film). Ted worked for many clubs but his initial club was Charlton Athletic as chief scout for 15 years when they were in the premier league and a top team regular in the top 10. On limited resources, their scouting system and structure proved pivotal for their survival in the league. He also worked for Chelsea, Middlesbrough, Crystal Palace, and England under Terry Venables for many years. That’s 40 years within the game as a SCOUT, unbelievable scouting knowledge that is passed down through IPSO with a methodology never seen before (like the magician showing you the tricks & tips in magic) even when experienced scouts come onto our courses they are blown away by the extra detail that makes a difference. A unique look at the way to look at players or teams with an ”ATTENTION TO DETAIL APPROACH” is Ted’s fantastic knowledge and methodology from the highest level that is shared and mixed in with the other tutor’s experiences and huge knowledge. We blend this unique approach with the latest modern trends with scouting analytics and data from such companies as Hudl, Wyscout and many other analytical brands that are changing the way we scout and analyse.
But one thing stands out that can not be changed EVER!
Scouting by eye and the observation skills you need to be added to the software tools needed in the modern game. This is where Ted comes in, we teach you how to blend both to maximize your analysis of players or teams. The skills to read body language and the speed to get the information down are just two of the procedures you need to know to be good at this job. There are many performance analysis courses & degrees out there but no one is doing what IPSO is doing and combining them both. What you need to realize is before you learn to analyse data, you need to learn how to look at players or teams without relying on statistics. You need to learn to scout by eye before you learn to analyse statistics. We will teach you both in the right way with a brand of skills no other provider or university is showing. Watching videos is a major part of scouting in the modern game but without the skilled eye, you will struggle to see the differences that matter. Statistics are brilliant for the game but there is a correct way to use them and a wrong way, all will be shown throughout the courses to minimize mistakes.

IPSO is an International Scouting Network designed by experienced professional scouts and analysts, who have worked in the English Premier League for many years. They have worked at club and international level scrutinizing the assessments of players and teams with an ”Attention to Detail” process that only IPSO delivers and a process in recruitment that makes a difference when looking at players or teams. Knowledge and experience of our team combined with a global network of contacts puts IPSO in an excellent position to represent SCOUTS, ANALYSTS, COACHES, MANAGERS, TECHNICAL DIRECTORS & AGENTS from around the world.
Many years of hard work and experience in the observation and analysis of players and teams led us to conduct advanced research in assessing players, evaluating systems, observation skills in talent identification followed with match reporting, where you learn how to construct opposition analysis reports otherwise known as (match reports). Our aim is to provide appropriate systems and procedures for effective analysis at every level of football from grassroots to the professional game worldwide.
Our unique selling points when looking into scouting & analysis or performance analysis is that we will save you years and we do mean years wasting your time making all the mistakes that we did when we started that could actually cost you your job before you get going. We will give you tips and explanations to save you time and we assure you it will cut off a couple of years of you scrolling the leagues to learn the job when you can learn it in a few days on one of our fantastic courses that will stop you making 100’s of mistakes that you never even thought of.

Anyone can scout, anyone can analyse, anyone can coach, anyone can manage, But the question is to what level and what quality?
On our courses you will talk to professionals who’s been there and done it for many years, your free to ask any question about anything and your question will be answered not like many other courses were it’s self-paced, you can do it in your own time? Really teaching yourself, listening to a computer? That’s all fine for the basics and beginners courses but NOT when you’ve learnt the basics and you want to push on.
We make sure THE IPSO TUTORS are specially chosen for their skill and expertise.
We use proven SCOUTS & ANALYSTS who have worked in these specialists roles for many years at the highest level because they are SPECIALISTS IN SCOUTING & ANALYSIS and this makes a difference as our tutors are passionate and animated in delivering the knowledge so the education is very enjoyable at the same time.
We introduce innovative training for current and future scouts, analysts, coaches and many other professionals within the game.
Following the constantly changing trends, technology development and improvement of training methods in football we have developed our own scouting program, from our knowledge and our experiences. Straight from the horse’s mouth as each trainer/tutor is a very experienced scout/analyst that has a vast amount of experience in the art of scouting and analysis.
We have improved and optimized professional techniques with the selection processes gained over the years by using the correct criteria and procedure for the player or team you are assessing. This will improve your recruitment and you will obtain a crystal clear view of the real skills and attributes of the player or team.
Our courses are excellent CPD for people currently working or wanting to work in any position in the football industry from analysts, coaches, scouts, agents, sports directors, chairman or even the avid enthusiast wanting to learn more within the game. It’s an excellent opportunity for former players or students looking to get involved in the world of football recruitment.
Through these courses you will gain a full and clear understanding of assessing players and teams of all ages.
The workshops & courses are spread WORLDWIDE and we deliver courses with our partners the around the globe, we also deliver courses as far away as the USA, India, Saudi Arabia and China.
We have partnered up with Romania Football Federation, Estonia FA and the India AIFF (All India Football Federation). Football clubs like Malmo FF, Slavia Prague, Legia Warsaw. Universities like the UCFB, CIES, Institute of Sports Analysis (Greece). This just shows the strength and depth of our workshops & courses as we share our knowledge worldwide.
Our plan is to help and guide football fans, players, coaches, agents, scouts, analysts, clubs, football associations improve and develop the beautiful game.

We also have an installment plan to make it easier for everyone. Once you’ve paid a deposit of £50 you can pay anything you like after that until the full fee for the course is paid up, the total amount must be paid before you start the course. Contact us by email at scouting@ipsofootball.com or call us on +447980114048 if you need this.
BUNDLES :Create your own bundle and gain a small discount, email or ring us and let us know what you would like to do and we will come up with a good package that suits your needs when looking to improve your education with the IPSO family.

The difference between IPSO and the other providers we believe are far apart.
We STRONGLY advise you speak to other students who have participated on other company’s courses and you will hopefully find there is no real comparison and IPSO is the one for your education. Look on facebook, linkedin and other social media and find a neutral person so there is no bias from students who have only done one company’s courses.
We are the only company offering tasters of our products in our Workshop series at a very cheap price of £20 and £15 a workshop if you book a series. This is to make sure that people like yourself are not going to pay onto courses that are sub-standard or do not hit the spot for your development.
We have covered this by offering our workshops as cheap samples of the full courses so you can test the products and see the difference. But still get something in return with a certificate and CPD work that will be good for your development and other qualifications.
Very simple if they don’t match what you’re looking for you haven’t wasted a large amount of money on poor quality courses with information you already knew.

Why? Well the answer above speaks for itself, we are very confident in what we offer and deliver.
In a nutshell other providers show you how to scout, we actually TEACH you how to scout. (A big difference)
We have a live game on our in ‘‘class courses’’ others do not.
We take our attendants out at night in the middle of the courses to carry on networking whilst participating on the courses for free, others do not. (This is only by choice of the attendant not compulsory).
Our aftercare is second to none! You get feedback on any exams you take with us and we are only a phone call or email away for any advice.
Our courses are delivered by Premier League Scouts or Analysts who have worked at the highest levels as scouts/analysts for over 10 years minimum.
We have a policy as our tutors are highly skilled SCOUTS/ANALYSTS first and foremost ONLY, not just a COACH that are teaching you to scout. ‘‘You wouldn’t want a plumber delivering an electricians course!’’

You get more products from us after the workshops or courses from templates to free use of software and extra bonuses with our partners Metrica Sports, jobs4football, footballersglobal and noisefeed.
IPSO is proud to partner with several great brands and products have a look at your bonuses after participating. On a Workshop or course!
Bonuses: All new customers who participate on this TID course will receive 4 weeks exclusive access to jobs4football and 4 week access to Noisfeed, you will also gain Metrica Sports Play and for IPSO scouts (only) you will gain free use of footballersglobal.
jobs4football: Will give you the up to date job opportunities worldwide in football, scouting jobs and opportunities before anyone else.
Noisefeed: Will give you the up to date social media findings with footballers (worldwide) which could have a bearing on signing players.
footballersglobal.com: Is a website for young players worldwide who post their videos on a special platform where you could check them out in your area. For IPSO scouts only.
Iterpro: The most powerful team management platform in the industry. Giving ALL our students a 45-day free trial. If you end up working for a club you may well use a system like this so it’s great to have it free for 45 days to get used to it etc.
Metrica Sports: You are now entitled to an exclusive trial of Metrica Sports PLAY software. You will have access to all the features and visuals the software offers, 50 minutes available of automated tracking and an extension for a month of the trial period.
ScoutUSpro: They are an innovative platform and database designed to empower sports professionals to discover both emerging and established talent globally. For your 1-month free trial contact contact@scoutuspro.com, mentioning you’re a student through IPSO the International Professional Scouting Organisation.
Eyeball: We are pleased to provide you with a complimentary 1-month free trial at Eyeball. With Eyeball you will gain access to a unique database of players, games, and analytics in key countries for talent development. This trial will give you access to their video and data, allowing you to enhance your scouting experience and stay at the forefront of the industry.
Our workshops & courses are more detailed with the ”Attention to detail” approach we teach. You get more knowledge than any other workshops or courses out there.
We show you video documentaries on our website (take a look) as we have nothing to hide.
We are partnered up with many Football Associations, Professional Clubs and Universities .
We show you how to be a professional football scout/analyst (the full package) with what it entails and what it takes to be a scout or analyst at the highest level.
Our Endorsement is WORLD-WIDE and backed by Football Associations, Professional Clubs and Universities.
Ring the team for a chat ANYTIME if you need and we will clear anything up from the above, for more information ring 07980114048 we are on What’sApp.
We have proof of 100’s of students getting jobs after our courses with the correct training shown.
We show you our experience and professionalism at what we do, when analysing players from all ages all the way up to the first team. This is what we have been doing for years some of our staff over 30 years. We are going to teach you how to look at a player in a professional manner and not just the basics. ”Attention to detail” is our motto and when you participate on our workshops or courses you will see the difference, if you are being detailed now you will find out we go over the top ”That’s what makes the difference”. Data analysts come on our courses that they can scout at a decent level, what we find is they can spot talent but that is not scouting at the level we are teaching and talking about! We would call that talent spotters/spotting on IPSO you take the next steps to be more accurate.
We have met 100’s of analysts and coaches at games but also on our courses and those who have been to university and got a degree in performance analysis but there is no degree in scouting and analysis. What happens is the analyst starts within in a club and is very good on a laptop picking up stats, watching set-plays when pausing it and cutting clips to make a recording for the manager etc. THAT IS NOT SCOUTING…..then the head of recruitment or boss/manager asks the analyst to go and watch a player with little experience in the field live or on video (watching live with a pen and paper and not truly understanding the level of the game they are at or understanding the team shapes correctly) and they have a go at it but if they were sat next to an IPSO trained professional scout/analyst and both did a report, they would be a long way apart with the detail, the analyst will get the basics but the IPSO professional will get the detail that makes a difference.
We have seen this on many occasions and students have mentioned this in conversation, so our advice would be for you to follow the pathway participate on the TID, level 1 then go on level 2 & Level 3 you will not be disappointed.
We have had quite a lot of starter analysts on the course and our courses have benefited them massively, we hope we can do the same with you.

Here at IPSO, we offer all of our Workshops and Courses in English. This is because we are an International Organisation and the majority of the World’s population speaks English as a first or second language.
As all but one of our Workshops and Courses is live, we only deliver in our Tutor’s first language, English.
However, we are also highly aware that many football enthusiasts around the world do not speak English, so we allow for the presence of a translator during these live courses.
·The Attendance of a Translator must be previously announced to the IPSO Team before the START of the Workshop/Course
·The translator will NOT receive a Certificate upon completion of the Workshop/Course unless two fees are paid. The translator can have a certificate for 1/2 the price of the course fee they are taking if they wish.
·Both Student and Translator must be present on the same device and same camera feed.
Call Colin, our Education Director on +447980114048 or Abs, our Operations Manager on: +447543930204 or you can email them at: scouting@ipsofootball.com.
For more information we are only a call or email away.
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