IPSO would like to congratulate Czeslaw Michniewicz and Kamil Portykus for their success as manager and assistant manager of the Polish National Team in guiding them to the world cup finals in Qatar.
Czeslaw and Kamil have a done a tremendous job in their small reign as leaders of the national team. We at IPSO are super proud and impressed with their achievements in such a short space of time. A great win over Sweden was the result needed to get through o the finals. Robert Lewandowski and Piotr Zielinski scored the goals to book a place at the World Cup finals in Qatar with a 2-0 win over Sweden. A hard fought game was played and the Poles worked hard to contain a classy Sweden side with a youthful look about it, but in the end experience told as Lewandowski and his team mates capitalized on mistakes. We wish them every success and lets hope for a good draw into days draw in Qatar today.
Good luck guys.