We have brought to the table a new concept, offering an independent professional assessment for football players of any age.  We offer three levels of service packages across worldwide and UK markets to identify the level of the player and see how close they are to professional football – we then recommend the key next steps on the path to stardom, plus scouting services for professional and non-league clubs.

These are not normal basic reports but ”HIGH-QUALITY” ones delivered by high-quality scouts, not just a coach giving his opinion.

This is all about having your player assessed by our professional scouts who have worked at the highest level for over 20 years minimum some even longer. What we can offer everyone from a Grassroots player to a Semi-professional player to a Professional player is a detailed report as you would get from a Chief Scout or Head of Recruitment at a professional club. These are reports that are super detailed, very accurate and career-changing reports that can make a difference to the player so they can showcase the skill sets that scouts want to see in a player so the player can deliver high quality performances that would interest a scout so they can move forward or get picked up.

There is a massive difference between a coach and a professional scout.    Many think there is no not!    We can show you the difference is HUGE!

 Our experts will look into many aspects of the player that are often overlooked when just looking at the basics as we leave no stone unturned. Others may do the basics when assessing a player like good touch, control, physical strength, decent pace and all that but that is not what we do as anyone can do that, who knows a little bit about football.

This is where IPSO comes in as your player is going to see how a professional scout will perceive them as their coaches will sometimes only say what they want to hear, that’s not what we are trying to do here as we are coaching them from a scouting point of view to show them how to impress people in football ie: managers, coaches or scouts. This is unique as the club they play for will not do to you what we are going to do to you as they haven’t got the time but also they haven’t got specialists like us. Why does Ronaldo not let his wife cook for him as she can cook with no problem? The reason is he needs a specialist cook and nutritionist to make sure he stays at the top for his body etc. We are similar we want to make sure you have the best chance to be what you want to be nothing is given you have to work for it but you also have to be shown how to do it, that’s were IPSO comes in.

Have a look at a detailed report below on a player and ask yourself if you would have seen those things and if you would have worded it in the same football jargon or technical sayings as that. You probably wouldn’t as that report is very detailed, covers many areas and it’s very concise but most importantly we will guarantee you…… IT’S ACCURATE and it will help the player develop quickly in the areas they need.


We have a few ways to help you and your player. 

We have devised 3 different Scouting Reports BRONZE, SILVER & GOLD.

Each report will vary in price and quality but the bottom line is you will have a better understanding of your player 

after an IMPARTIAL REPORT by one of our EXPERT SCOUTS from the Premier League & International Football.


You send us a video of your player from a 90 minute game (No favourite clips just the full game). If the player is only young and only plays 20 to 30-minute halves then send us 3 or 5 halves equivalent of around 90 minutes and off that, we would write a report on what we saw in the player good or bad taking into consideration their age, position, attributes, the quality of the game etc. We will send you a report like the one below on where the player is off this one game and where you should look to improve or maintain your skills from that game. No player should be assessed off one game but if you want a good idea of where the player is at this moment in time we can show you and explain the positives and negatives with a real ”Attention-to-detail” approach that would help to improve the player or a reality check on where they are at this moment in time. You will receive a detailed report and a Zoom call of around 30 minutes to 1 hour with our tutor so they can explain their thoughts and go through any areas to help or advise you in what to do next.


It will be the same as the Bronze report but with a deeper and even more detailed report with the same ”Attention-to-detail” approach that would help to improve the player or a reality check on where they are at this moment in time. But with the SILVER package, you receive a Zoom call of a minimum of 1 hour with our tutor so they can explain their thoughts but this time go through the game as we separate the clips and go deeper into them to show you visually the areas to help or advise you in what to do next.

AN ADDED ADDITION: To this,  is you can send a game a month in so we can see if you’ve improved and guide you in a mentorship way. This has an added charge of £50 a game after the initial £99 but you will be mentored and assessed with strong advice on where you need to improve and what to do next! 



ON THE GOLD PACKAGE: You send us 2 full game videos. We will study and assess them the same way as the Bronze & Silver package. We will compile a professional scouting report noting strengths and weaknesses showing how and where the player can improve, identifying the current level of performance and recommending the next steps. This includes a full personal online presentation of the report and analysis including key moments from video clips explained in detail by one of our experts in a 1 v 1 zoom meeting going through the clips to explain the thought process of the scout. One of our staff will sit down with the player and with the (parent or agent included if wanted) and go through the report and analyse the clips with extra ‘‘Attention To Detail’’ procedures that only IPSO provides on where to improve or keep going within your attributes. You also can have the ADDED ADDITION: Where you can send a game a month in so we can see if you’ve improved and guide you in a mentorship way. This has an added charge of £50 a game after the initial £179 but you will be mentored and assessed with strong advice on where you need to improve and what to do next!


By having this ”Attention to Detail” report supported by evidence-based clips you will massively improve and be on your way to where you want to be. 


PLEASE CONTACT US AT: scouting@ipsofootball.com or call us for a chat on WhatsApp +447980114048 and we will discuss how we can help you. 





Colin Chambers is the Education Director of IPSO and is one of our main tutors. Colin will be assessing the majority of the videos and he will be writing up the reports. He will also be the one who will sit down with you and discuss the feedback on where the player is at this moment in time and he will share his expertise on the player and how we at IPSO can help and advise them. 


A  very experienced SCOUT with over 24 years in the professional game and he has worked all over the world. He’s an expert first-team scout and opposition analyst starting his career with 5 Years at Charlton Athletic FC , 7 Years at Bolton Wanderers and 8 years with Middlesbrough FC all in the Premier League and Championship. Colin has worked for Northern Ireland & Poland at international Level just recently working for Poland at the 2022 World Cup.  As head of IPSO and through Colin’s contacts, we have access to the top-level network of analysts, coaches, scouts, strength and conditioning specialists plus of course many academies and clubs around the world. 


Colin works alongside the Polish FA, Romania FA, Estonia FA, India FA, Uzbekistan FA, Malaysia FA & Malaysia Ministry of Sport. Colin regularly flies around the world training national team selectors in many countries with their FA’s training and teaching advanced procedures in the art of scouting players. He’s also a coach but he’s a specialist in SCOUTING, as he’s one of the best in the business.







 JOHN SMITH          


Age 15        Season 2024        Club Team MILL HILL FC     Age 21 Match MILL HIIL FC  v HASAACAS


Date  11/3/2024         Position Centre-Mid/Left-Wing        Foot Right        Height Approx 5’8


He was tall athletic looking. Good strength in possession and could physically hold his own. Not too many challenges to judge his full strength as they were mainly shoulder to shoulder but he equipped himself well for most parts of this game. He is not worried about physical challenges and gives as much as he gets, in general physically good. He’s very athletic and has got great agility and movement when he wants to put himself about.


His pace is good with a change of pace. Not extra quick but enough to cause problems to defenders when running at them. Pace over distance looked good and he looked to accelerate quicker once in his stride and his turn of pace was good. His energy levels were of a high standard and he looked a very fit player with excellent stamina.


We have to talk about two positions here as he played central midfield for the first 30 minutes then left wing for the next 1 hour. In central midfield, he put himself about and covered a lot of ground as his work rate was very good in general but not the best in winning the ball back and in challenges but he did compete He needs work in these areas as he didn’t really get any tackles in, as he was always a second or two late and the opposition played the ball around him to often. He needs to time his runs and tackles better he tended to run too fast into situations instead of jockeying to make the right tackle, where he didn’t so they played around him. He’s not lazy and he’s a team player and did well in most parts but timing in the tackles needs improving. On the wing he was similar but he did switch off a couple of times when players attacked his full-back behind him and he reacted a little slow at times and could have got into defensive positions a little quicker but he didn’t shirk his responsibilities he was a few seconds slow to react. On the front foot, he looked very dangerous and this position looked more natural to him. He did well and caused problems for his opponents. He needs game knowledge and game management when playing in central midfield and although he did OK he didn’t look like a natural central midfielder.


His attitude was very good and he looked like a winner. Great hunger and desire to do well a willing worker and grafter type. Full of running and endeavour. No problem with the ref and did what he was told. Held his own in confrontations with senior or older opposition players when they popped up. He overreacted a couple of times when he got fouled but in general a good attitude. He did throw his arms up in the air a few times which could be a problem further down the line with his attitude as he did look confrontational when there was no reason to be. On the ball his attitude was very good and off the ball he also worked hard.


Technically there is a lot of room for improvement even though he’s not bad and he’s decent on the ball we could improve this area. Some good passes some questionable ones but in general, he found his man. He took all the free kicks and corners again some good some bad but he did score a fantastic free-kick and a well-taken penalty. Dribbling looked good on the flank he didn’t show us enough but there were a couple of times he did very well when running at players. He’s right-footed and will use his left but fully two-footed. He ran with the ball well and did good when on the flank only just OK in central areas (when he played centre-mid). Touch and control were good, but his tackling needs work on it, heading was ok and he competed well in the aerial duels, nothing great but he was competitive. He could play short and long but again nothing extra that raised my eyebrows.


His intelligence needs working on but he did come across as an intelligent footballer at times. He just lacks experience and real game knowledge that could propel him to a higher level. He didn’t do things quickly enough at times and the number of times he turned his back on the ball was an issue, a basic element of coaching is not to turn your back on the ball which he did several times (very basic like a schoolboy), this shows a real lack of game knowledge good players would pass it while his back is turned.

STRENGTHS: Athleticism, pace, hunger, desire, work rate.

AREAS TO WORK ON: Reading the play, understanding his role in executing his job, touch and control and other technical areas like tackling, heading, running with the ball & dribbling.

COMMENTS: My general comment about Peter is he’s an interesting player with some ability. He’s hungry to do well as good desire, he’s an athlete and he’s a willing worker runner type. At 21 he’s decent but I wouldn’t get carried away with this player thinking he’s a great player because he scored a well-taken free-kick and he works hard. He has plenty of areas to improve. I noticed his talking and communication were good but he didn’t look clever or intelligent in his overall play. Very basic organisation in positional play and support play could improve meaning he was not reading situations as quickly as he could and he was acting after the event instead of before the event.

Midfield doesn’t look like the correct position for him as he wasn’t smart enough on the ball in midfield and only went around doing the basics in midfield but basic doesn’t impress and is not enough if he wants to move forward. I was more impressed when he went on the wing his whole body shape and demeanour changed and he looked natural on the wing. I’d like to see him add more variation in his play and run at players more because when he did he looked dangerous. Off this game alone he didn’t do enough to impress me to take him to Europe to play, not at the moment anyway off this game he has too much missing (especially game knowledge).My advice is to play him in one position (wing) and make it his own he looked the most dangerous there. Work rate and desire are not a problem game knowledge and football intelligence are.

Improve his game understanding and football intelligence you may have a player here at the moment he’s falling a little short.

Thank you Yours faithfully

Colin Chambers

IPSO Education Director

Mobile: +4407980114048

Email: colin.chambers10@ntlworld.com Tweet us @ipsofootball


International Professional Scouting Organisation 11 Petrel Close Blackburn BB1 5QB

United Kingdom

UK: +44 07980 1140 48                                                                                             Website: www.ipsofootball.com

PL: +48 0502 0262 32                                                                                                Email: info@ipsofootball.com

SK: +42 1915 898 590                                                                                                Company Number: 09602485 ENGLAND

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Player Report 


 The International Professional Scouting Organisation


 Season 2019-20       Club PNE 15’s      Match PNE v Accy Stanley 15’s     

Name  Joe Bloggs     Date 7-8-19    Position Striker     

    Age 15     Height 5’9    Foot Right           



Medium height for his age. He is physically good, athletic-looking and strong for his size. He doesn’t use his physique enough and needs to build this up to gain an advantage. He gets by but could be better if he was stronger. Holds the ball up well but will get brushed off if up against more physical type players in a 1 v1 challenge. Ok and strong enough against players his size.


Doesn’t show it enough, runs at half pace, jogs and walks a lot. Stamina is in question or it could be a lack of desire to sprint and close down? I would say it’s not his pace that is in question (it is his desire) to run that is a slight problem. He sprints half-heartedly with no conviction behind his running more of a token gesture at times instead of going for it. Once he opens up he’s decent for pace but rarely shows it due to the lack of energy (or desire) he puts into his movement. Pace is good when he shows it but stamina is questionable along with his attitude and desire.


There’s a big question mark here. Joe will think he does enough and he works hard, but in reality, he does it in spits & spats. We see that he doesn’t sprint wholeheartedly and he lacks desire and work-rate on many occasions, this lets him down and we don’t think he knows how this looks to the scout. We will show this in the meeting (with evidence-based clips). We are not saying Jay doesn’t work hard as on many occasions he does but not enough and not consistently enough. Joe jogs into situations and is very flat-footed on many instances where he is not ready to receive or challenge for the ball (evidence-based clips to be shown). Work-rate is essential now for most players as the game has got faster and the demands are more for every player regardless of position. We have work to do in this area mainly fitness and stamina once these are reached the work ethic will be easier, as once you get fitter you will have more desire, once you have more desire, then you will be more involved in the game, once you are more involved your game will improve and you will stand out.


It has to come into question due to the lack of work-rate! But his attitude to other areas was good as he protected the ball when he had to, he drove with the ball once he had it and he had no qualms when players challenged him or tackled him even if it was a foul on himself he just got up and got on with it (that’s a good attitude). So on the ball, everything looked good off the ball, we need to work on it in other areas. The word desire comes into it now, there is a big difference when someone who has the desire and then someone who does not. Unfortunately, this is showing in your body language. Again something we will talk about deeply so it can look different when you’re playing. Attitude to get on the ball, attitude off the ball, attitude to running, attitude to dropping and defending. There are many areas we are going to go through in our meeting to get this fixed again with evidence-based clips to show you what’s right and what’s wrong. We liked the way there was no aggressive arguing with the ref or to their players but a little more aggression would help your game in many areas (evidence-based clips to be shown).


Technically decent room for improvement but in general very good. Hold-up play and lay-off’s very good as he can see movement around him with good little touches. His first touch was good and he was well balanced when on the ball. Right-footed didn’t show anything off his left in the 3 games we watched. Doesn’t back out of tackles and puts his foot into every challenge, some he wins some not so but again in general good. No heading was shown but his shooting looked good especially when he had his back to the goal as he has good technique for rolling players and spinning them to get a shot off. Passing short was good and he did a couple of longer ones which reached their targets but nothing special in long passing. In general, has good technical ability but needs to add more tools to his armory to be more of a threat.


Showed some intelligence at times but also showed a lack of intelligence. Played as a lone striker for most parts of these games and needs to understand how to run the line better and have better movement when reading the game. We said he had some good lay-off’s but he needs to improve his timing and movement when running into spaces and read the game better. By reading the game better will make a massive difference (we will show you this in the clips in our meeting). By playing the lone striker, movement and understanding space is vital and at the moment that needs working on as we need to improve your game knowledge and start to make better decisions in positional play by understanding what the midfielders can do and understanding where to run as at times, we ran in the wrong areas to the situation that was opening up. (This will be shown in the clips)


Interesting game and performance. Joe has the making of a decent striker that’s why he’s at a professional club. But from our observations, there is a lot where we can help him as at the moment he’s a work in progress as he’s only 15. There are lots of good points and good areas of play but also a lot of room for improvement. Communication looked questionable as obviously, we can’t hear him but we can see communication in body language and it didn’t look as strong as it could be (we will talk about that). The main area is attitude (But not in a bad way) we are talking about attitude off the ball and attitude when on the ball as there are areas we can improve. Psychological aspects come into this as his desire is not what it should be and we need to improve this. At the moment we have half a good player (but that’s what you should have at this age) the other half needs working on but thing at a time as we must not over-complicate this.

 Sign                          Monitor                        Forget

Thank you Yours faithfully

Colin Chambers

IPSO Education Director

Mobile: +4407980114048

Email: colin.chambers10@ntlworld.com Tweet us @ipsofootball


International Professional Scouting Organisation 11 Petrel Close Blackburn BB1 5QB

United Kingdom

UK: +44 07980 1140 48                                                                                             Website: www.ipsofootball.com

PL: +48 0502 0262 32                                                                                                Email: info@ipsofootball.com

SK: +42 1915 898 590                                                                                                Company Number: 09602485 ENGLAND





Scout & Opposition Analyst

Colin is our lead lecturer and education director. Coming from a humble back ground Colin has worked his way up through the ranks to the top of his profession as a scout with over 21 years’ experience working at the highest levels of the Premier league and international football. As a scout and opposition analyst with most of those years taken up in the Premier league, Colin has also got a good knowledge of international football when scouting under the phenomenal Ted Davies at the Northern Ireland National team. Colin is now modestly known as a world-wide lecturer across the globe teaching at many football associations like the Polish FA, Romania FA and AIFF (All India Football Federation). Colin has also taught the staff of prestigious clubs like Slavia Prague, Malmo FF, Fehérvár FC and PFC Ludogorets Razgrad who all regularly participate in the champion’s league. Add to that Universities like the UCFB in Manchester and the Beijing Sports University in China.


Martin Dobson

Scout & Opposition Analyst, Manager, Head of Recruitment

Martin is a legend in the game. Dobbo or (Sir Dobbo) as people like to call him, has done everything in the game from being an apprentice to a full time international footballer with England. Dobbo has been in the game for over 50 years and has been a player, coach, manager, scout, director of football, director of academy as well as working for many teams as a very experienced scout and analyst. Dobbo was the1st player to be transferred for £300,000 from Burnley to Everton (in 1974 a record at the time). He’s played over 600 games at the highest level for Burnley, Everton & England. As an England international footballer he gained 5 caps for the National Team. He was a manager at both Bury & Bristol Rovers. Director of Youth football at both Bolton Wanderers & Burnley. Also worked as a 1st team scout for Ipswich Town FC and Everton.1st team scout and part of the Leicester City staff when they won the Premier League!.


Kevin Gallacher

Scout & Opposition Analyst, TV Pundit & Radio Commentator

Kevin is another footballing legend we are happy to have with us. Kevin has won 53 caps for Scotland and represented Scotland at Euro 92, Euro 96, and the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France. Kevin played in the Scottish Premiership with Dundee United, Scottish & UEFA cup finalist 1987 & 1988. Kev then moved to Coventry City Division 1 (Premier league) for £900,000 in 1990. He then moved for £2.5 million to Blackburn Rovers in 1993, winning the Premier League in 1995 with Blackburn Rovers. He was then picked up by Sir Bobby Robson and made Sir Bobby’s 1st signing at Newcastle in 1999 for £700,000. Kev latter had spells at Preston North End & Huddersfield respectively then became a SKY Sports and BBC 5 Live match day analyst and co-commentator. He then moved onto BT Sport Europe and BBC Radio Lancashire Studio Analyst and co-commentator another IPSO asset with a vast amount of knowledge and stories to share.


Steve Shea

Scout & Opposition Analyst

A former Everton FC youth player and former Feyenoord trainee. Steve was a top semi-professional footballer with over 700 games under his belt. He has worked at Coventry City, Queens Park Rangers, Hull City and Leicester City as a1st team scout and Opposition analysis. Steve’s big achievement was with Leicester City when they won the premier league. Steve was instrumental with the other scouts at Leicester in scouting the likes of Jamie Vardy, Riyad Mahrez, N’Golo Kante, Kasper Schmeichel, Danny Drinkwater and Robert Huth. Steve is open to share his knowledge & experience,


Brian Chambers

Scout & Opposition Analyst

Brian has been a scout for over 20 years. Another ex-professional footballer starting out at Blackburn Rovers FC then moving to Accrington Stanley FC. Brian then had a bad injury when he was young and had to retire from professional football. Brian then moved into scouting and started his career at Charlton Athletic as a scout and opposition analyst. He then moved to Bradford City in the same role. Then worked at Shrewsbury Town, Bury FC, Luton Town FC, Swindon Town FC. Brian went freelance working for various clubs up and down the football leagues including West Ham United FC.


Kamil Potrykus

Scout & Performance Analysis Specialist, Assistant Manager, Head of Analysis

Kamil started as a 1st team scout for Arka Gdynia 5 years in Ekstraklasa. He then spent 2 years as Head of Analysis for Pogoń Szczecin before moving onto Head of Analysis for Bruk Bet Termalica Nieciecza. Kamil was then promoted to the national under 21 team as Head of Analysis, Kamil stayed in this position for several years before taking up the role of assistant manager at Legia Warsaw were he remains at this moment in time. A very out of the box and forward thinking analyst who is highly regarded in the football circles of European football.


Stephen Gent

Scout & Performance Analysis Specialist, Operations Manager, Head of Analysis

Steven started off his career at The Scouting Network Opposition Scout / Technical Scout before moving to Middlesbrough were he started as a European Technical Scout then moving onto to be a First Team Analyst. Several years later Steven became Head of Scouting operations and he has now been at the club over 12 years becoming a specialist in performance analysis working alongside numerous managers and having a vast amount of knowledge and experience’s to share.


Gary Brown

Scout & Opposition Analyst

Gary started is career is a school boy Manchester United before moving to Blackburn Rovers then Bolton Wanderers. He later moved to Macclesfield Town. Gary then started his scouting career at Manchester United and with scouting career of over 15 years has since scouted for Tottenham Hotspur, Queens Park Rangers, Ipswich Town and Sunderland. Gary has a wide range of skills from coaching to scouting and opposition analysis. Gary learn't the majority his skills from former Man Utd Assistant Manager & Chief Scout and his father Mick Brown.


Tony Caig

Scout & Goal-Keeper Specialist, manager

Tony is a goalkeeper specialist and been in the game for 30 years. Starting as a player at Carlisle United then spells at Blackpool, Charlton then Hibernian in the Scottish Premier before moving to the English Premier League with Newcastle United. Tony then traveled to the USA playing in the MLS with Vancouver Whitecaps then he flew back to the UK as Carlisle United interim manager. He then had Goal-keeper coaching spells at Bury, Hartlepool and Livingston. At present Tony is the goalkeeping coach/specialist at the Scottish FA.

Martin Dobson explains in Beijing China the in and outs of scouting sharing his vast amount of experiences at all levels of scouting & analysis. From when he worked for Everton to when he worked at Leicester City supported by Colin Chambers of Middlesbrough Football Club.

Kevin Gallacher explains to the students in Porto, Portugal the differences looking at a player from a scouting perspective to a coach perspective. As a scout & a coach there’s no better to explain the ins and outs as they differ. As a specialist in football Kevin loves to share stories of his own experiences 

Brian Chambers uses the ”Attention to Detail” process when he explains to students here in Poland. Nothing is too much trouble for our tutors with their detailed approach and extra-ordinary deliver to make sure that the methodology we teach gets through to the students  in a clear way.